- What I do -

My Premium Level Petsitting Service.
I come to you and your pets have the luxury and comfort of staying in their own home.

So who am I, and what do I do exactly?

I'm Laura, I'm a qualified veterinary nurse and zookeeper, with 20 years of veterinary nursing experience.

I provide a very high tier professional pet sitting and animal care service, where I come to you, and stay in your home with your pets, while you are away.

I leave my own home and life behind and come to stay with your pets in your home.

I live, as if I were you, while I am there. I eat, sleep, and stay there, so that I can provide your fur babies with the best around-the-clock care possible. I tailor my services individually, on a personal basis, for you, your specific requests and requirements, and your pets needs.

Our initial meet and greet consists of me coming to your home so we can see how your pet resonds to me in their own environment. I like to see their usual little sleeping spots, and take notes on their routine, food, treats, training, walks, medications etc. Then when I return, they already know me a little too. I can come and spend a few hours, or a day with your pet, before you stay away for a night.

I can also come to stay and help after your pet has recently been diagnosed with an illness, or has had surgery. I can be there to answer questions. I can show you how to manage wound care, dressing changes, medication administration, give injections, and just be a helping hand and offer some support. I can stay until you're confident with everything.

I also have my own dog, "Raven", and she comes with me when I petsit. She is a very gentle, playful 6 month old Labrador puppy, and she loves other dogs. So far, every meet and greet, and petsit has gone extremely well with her.
She even seems to help anxious dogs come out of themselves, and play and have some fun. This often surprises clients with pets that may not usually like other dogs, and they end up running around, getting the zoomies, and acting like a playful puppy again.
She can also always be kept seperate, at all times, if preferred.

I specialise in anxious and fearful pets, especially those that suffer from separation anxiety, or have had fearful or traumatic pasts. I work one-on-one, in your pet’s own home environment, with their own regular daily routine and schedule. With their own bed, food, couch, favourite nap spots, toys, garden, scents and little comforts. I'm qualified and experienced when it comes to animals needs, behaviour and veterinary care.

I don't double book sittings. I come to you and your pet’s location and offer your cherished pets exclusive access to the highest quality of care and my undivided attention.

There are some exceptional kennels/catteries out there, and I have huge respect for just how much they care about animals, and the amazing work that they do. I can recommend some great ones, if that is what you are looking for.

However, it can be very worrying and difficult for pet owners to leave their animals behind when they go away. So much so, that they may avoid going away completely for years. And it can be just as anxiety provoking for their pets too.

Some pets get more anxious than others, and get stressed while separated from their carers, home and usual routine. Some pets, simply just dont do well in group situations, or being away from home, and that's ok.

They might have special or specific needs, or requirements. For example, they may be post-operation, and need some extra minding, elderly, sick, or even too young to be put in kennels. Perhaps they are on a lot of medication, or have illnesses such as epilepsy, or diabetes, where they need to be closely monitored. These, amongst many other conditions, require injectable, or intrarectal medication, and somebody that knows how to quickly, correctly, and safely administer it. They also require someone qualified, and experienced enough to keep calm, know what to do in an emergency situation, and be able to make quick decisions about whether a vet is required.

This is where, being a veterinary nurse I can really shine, and can offer you security, and peace of mind, knowing that I am confident and competant when it comes to veterinary care. Managing situations like epilepsy, seizures, monitoring glucose levels, administering injections, medications, wound-care, bandage care, getting urine/blood samples, monitoring and removing sutures, understanding and following strict dietary requirements, understanding illnesses and knowing a lot about pharmacology and medication etc. are all additional skills that I can also offer.

In these situations, staying in the comfort of their own home may help. Having someone to care for them there, and providing that much needed consistency in a familiar setting, with their usual daily schedule and every day normal routine, provides them the security and reliability that they need to be happy.


I work one-on-one, as a live-in care provider, in your pet’s own home environment, with their own routine and schedule, with their own bed, food, couch, favourite nap spots, toys, garden, scents and little creature comforts. I'm qualified and experienced when it comes to animals needs, behaviour, training and veterinary care.

If you are looking for a professional, caring, and loving service. Someone, to not only feed and walk your pets, but also to love them. To provide affection and kindness, cuddle them on the couch, keep them company, talk to them, eat with them, play with them, sit with them under a blanket, and even let them sleep in my bed with me, if they want to. I offer all of these things. I called my business Loved Little Paws, because that's what I do. I love them.

Our pets are more than that to us, they are family, and it is an honour to be trusted to look after them. I guarantee you that I will care for them as if they were my own.


If you would like to check availability, book a meet and greet, make a booking, or have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and meeting your furry family and friends.

Love Laura (and Raven), at Loved Little Paws 🐾


(I've seen a lot of copycat services, with similar names crop up on facebook recently. So for your pets, and your own safety, please double check, and ensure that you are booking with the correct service, Laura At Loved LittlePaws, at the official site, or through the official email address. I don't operate any other site, under any other name, or through any other email address. Be safe).

I service the Waterford, Cork, Tipperary area, but can travel further, if requested.